
Showing posts from June, 2020

Journey across the blue waters: St.George Island

St. George Island Last year in November a family friend told us about a place, an island to be specific, that is located in Vasco, Goa. She told us that people are allowed to cross the waters and visit the island just once annually and urged that we should go there. In addition to that, we were told that the same day, the Holy mass is celebrated at the island marking the feast of the Cross that is located there. This seemed like a good opportunity and a once in a lifetime experience for us all. We decided to go there with only this little information.  The journey On the day of the feast, that is 17th November, we left home early morning as we live in Salcete and had to reach the Baina dock by 09 a.m. On our way to Vasco, we stopped by and had our breakfast in a small hotel and left for the adventurous journey.  We reached the dock on time and had to wait a while till a motor boat/fishing trawler was arranged for us. It was jaw-dropping, the way more than 30 people in a single trawler

Lives matter!

Picture courtesy: A few days back a storm of thoughts crept in my mind. How primitive we've regressed to remind ourselves that lives matter? Black lives, women's lives, gay lives or can I just say lives of those not born with a silver spoon, those born with a uterus, coloured skin or out of the mainstream, so-called normal sexual preferences..., Shocked, as I could be to hear a close one say to me that blacks are just too arrogant and violence is one of their characteristics. I was all ears to hear what came next. Heard till I could and then I spoke.  How easy and effortless it is to assume, to come to conclusions, to generalise, to discriminate, to differentiate, to throw opinions, to shut ourselves to opinions and views different from our own?  How can we say that all blacks are arrogant or violent? Can all be identical? Can we generalise this opinion to all of them? Definitely