
Showing posts from April, 2024

Fate in the Feathers!

Picture credits: What's the worst thing that could happen on a Monday morning, when you are already running late to work and while on your journey, you are stopped by an injured bird in the middle of the road?  Frustrating, right?  Let's us go back to that particular Monday morning... It so happened that I saw a car a few metres ahead of me being slowed down by something, and as I reached closer, I realised it was an injured pigeon which was trying to take off but fell on the ground every time it tried. The car swerved in an attempt to avoid running over the poor little injured bird and drove away.  As I rode nearer, it was my turn. I decided to slow down and take a quick look. But the bird had other plans on it's mind. It tried to fly again and landed right infront of my tyre, making me hit those breaks and stop immediately!  The bird just wouldn't move from that spot. I t