
The Much- Awaited Day! 18th June 1946 (A short-story)

( In the village of Assolna, June 1946) As the rooster crows at 7a.m, Maria screams at the top of her voice, “It’s already 10a.m. Are you going to sleep the entire day? Oh Flavia? Can you hear me or are you pretending to be asleep? I guess I’ll have to let your brother, Tony accompany me to Margao”.   Little Flavia, about 8 years of age is woken up by her mother’s constant blackmailing words. Her eyes wide open, she throws the bedsheet aside and runs to the front door to find out if they had really left.   Stunned and shocked Flavia cannot believe her eyes. Her mother had really left without her. She thinks to herself, “How can they do this to me? I’ve been waiting for this day since forever and all I get is abandonment?” Her wide sparkling eyes begin to shrink in disappointment and tears roll down her pink cheeks as she runs back to her bed sobbing.   By this time Maria walks along with her son Tony and reaches the village bazaar. There she meets Pedro, the poder who asks ex

Fate in the Feathers!

Picture credits: What's the worst thing that could happen on a Monday morning, when you are already running late to work and while on your journey, you are stopped by an injured bird in the middle of the road?  Frustrating, right?  Let's us go back to that particular Monday morning... It so happened that I saw a car a few metres ahead of me being slowed down by something, and as I reached closer, I realised it was an injured pigeon which was trying to take off but fell on the ground every time it tried. The car swerved in an attempt to avoid running over the poor little injured bird and drove away.  As I rode nearer, it was my turn. I decided to slow down and take a quick look. But the bird had other plans on it's mind. It tried to fly again and landed right infront of my tyre, making me hit those breaks and stop immediately!  The bird just wouldn't move from that spot. I t

I'd rather do it tomorrow!

(Image source: Procrastinator !  A term I truly identify with. For example, it took me three long years to get this blog post up. I've been telling myself to write something worthwhile. But guess what, I might as well do it tomorrow!  Been convincing myself to get my hands on something crafty or artistic, coz ofcourse I enjoy it (or maybe I used to, atleast). But let's begin tomorrow, right?  The other day I heard an old familiar voice in the corner of my bedroom and I figured it was my 11years old guitar, begging to be strummed. I did fulfill it's wish. Just took me a couple of weeks.  I am known for procrastinating. It's a personality trait I possess. No matter what the reason, for not having completed some task, everyone already concludes that I might have had procrastinated to do it later and then forgotten about it. Everyone already assumes, even if not the case. That's how bad being a procrastinator feels l


Picture courtesy: Woke up to the sound of pouring rain, Wrapped in my warm blanket this morning, Nothing on my mind to do,  Days, months just passing. Almost the end of another month, It's like, the year just started yesterday, but  July will soon go away!    Facing new kind of challenges in this new decade,  Never thought, the movies we watched  would come true to such extent, The pandemic situation is like a movie we watched back then, It all seemed scary to deal with,  Now we are starring in this movie called 2020 at present! Spread so quickly, one by one, every nation was hit, Lives lost, numbers kept increasing. Economies fell, livelihoods destroyed.  Some took measures and recovered well, For others it's a nightmare from which they haven't woken up yet!  Home, transformed into workplace, school, gym.., Online is the new outdoors, never imagined! These seem li

Journey across the blue waters: St.George Island

St. George Island Last year in November a family friend told us about a place, an island to be specific, that is located in Vasco, Goa. She told us that people are allowed to cross the waters and visit the island just once annually and urged that we should go there. In addition to that, we were told that the same day, the Holy mass is celebrated at the island marking the feast of the Cross that is located there. This seemed like a good opportunity and a once in a lifetime experience for us all. We decided to go there with only this little information.  The journey On the day of the feast, that is 17th November, we left home early morning as we live in Salcete and had to reach the Baina dock by 09 a.m. On our way to Vasco, we stopped by and had our breakfast in a small hotel and left for the adventurous journey.  We reached the dock on time and had to wait a while till a motor boat/fishing trawler was arranged for us. It was jaw-dropping, the way more than 30 people in a single trawler

Lives matter!

Picture courtesy: A few days back a storm of thoughts crept in my mind. How primitive we've regressed to remind ourselves that lives matter? Black lives, women's lives, gay lives or can I just say lives of those not born with a silver spoon, those born with a uterus, coloured skin or out of the mainstream, so-called normal sexual preferences..., Shocked, as I could be to hear a close one say to me that blacks are just too arrogant and violence is one of their characteristics. I was all ears to hear what came next. Heard till I could and then I spoke.  How easy and effortless it is to assume, to come to conclusions, to generalise, to discriminate, to differentiate, to throw opinions, to shut ourselves to opinions and views different from our own?  How can we say that all blacks are arrogant or violent? Can all be identical? Can we generalise this opinion to all of them? Definitely

Sleepless nights

Closed my eyes and tried to sleep, Cause the night's too late to overthink! The perfect moon, sky glittering with stars,  I wonder what's keeping me up so long? Silence, I adore the most,  But now it feels like a noise! Although calm as I could be,  why am I so restless I wish I hadn't been? Trying hard to fall asleep, Distracting my mind from thoughts that keep showing, What if..? why not..? why me..? Can the night answer any? Again I try, to get some sleep, Eyes cooperate, but my mind doesn't seem to get convinced, Trying to find answers, mind still wandering, But what if the sleepless night is just another dream?